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In order to have a complete perspective of your health status, we need an insight into the biochemical processes that are going on in the body. Functional Medicine Labs enables us to take this deeper dive into your health status.


Laboratory assessments include but are not limited to the following: General Medical Labs, Inflammatory markers, Gut function analysis, Hormonal analysis, Food sensitivity/allergy testing, Nutrient deficiency testing, heavy metal testing, and so on.


If you have some recently done general medical labs as part of your check-up, we would be happy to take a look at those rather than ordering another set of labs.


The laboratory tests ordered, if any, will focus on the aspect that is most applicable to your health. For remote consultations, we can have the labs shipped to you and the results available to you via our electronic medical record and partner laboratory offices.


For further details on the labs, please send a consultation request to us and we would be happy to provide further guidance.

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